Now Playing Widget 2.0

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Under Construction --Wayn3w 20:31, 29 April 2008 (PDT)

Release Notes for the Now Playing Widget V2.0.


Kevin Trotman is the excellent photographer who graciously placed his artwork under a Creative Commons License. His work can be found on Flickr. He is also a Chumby user!

General Use

This widget will tell you what is current playing through the Chumby's Music control panel -- the song; the artist, if available; and the source of the music such as My Music Files, iPod, ShoutCast, etc. It uses information available at the time the widget is started, so it is better to keep this in rotation rather than pin it down. If you change music sources while this widget is currently playing, the information will not be updated until the next time the widget starts. (see the Shoutcase and SlimServer cases for exceptions).

This widget is also designed to be skipped if no music is playing. The can be overridden with a configuration option (see below).

Shoutcast and Slimserver

My Music Files and btplay.current

If you play music from your USB drive (vi My Music Files) you cannot get the name of the current song normally. However, you can get that information from the Chumby if the btplay.current script is added to the Chumby's built-in web server. If you wish to do this, check out this page.

The widget will check for the page periodically and update the screen with the information found there.

Background Image Choice

Configuration Options