NeTV web services

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The NeTV HTTP API provides a mechanism to interact with NeTV through web interface on port 80.
The API can be called from a standard web browser, which will also display any results.
This method is probably the easiest way to experiment with the API commands.

The simplest command to try out is

http://localhost/bridge?cmd=Hello (from within NeTV) (from other device. Replace xxx by the IP address of NeTV)

This will give some basic status and ID information about the device.

More complex commands can be constructed as a POST Request as follow.

  • POST to: http://localhost/bridge or
  • Content-Type must be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • variable cmd : command name, case insensitive
  • variable data : optional variable to submit arguments with the command, formatted as a XML string

Example: to send a remote control key command (single parameter)

  • cmd=RemoteControl
  • data=<value>right</value>

Example: to send a TickerEvent command (multiple parameters)

  • cmd=TickerEvent
  • data=<message>abcdefghifk</message><title>blahblah</title><image>full url to an image<image>

The full list of command & arguments is available below.

Return format

The return format is a XML string in the following format

  • status:
    • 0 - Unimplemented command
    • 1 - Success
    • 2 - General error
  • cmd: is echo of the command name
  • data: is the return data of the command, it is designed to be an array of XML elements. For single value response, this is always "<value>...</value>"

Command table

Command (cmd) Data (data) return value
Hello -
   <dcid>...a long string of 1024 bytes...</dcid>
   <hwver>...hardware version number...</hwver>
   <fwver>...firmware version number...</fwver>
   <flashplugin>0 or version number of flash plugin</flashplugin>
   <flashver>0 or version number of flash player</flashver>
   <network>...a long XML string from</network>
WifiScan -
HasFlashPlugin -
   <value>echo of the actual button name received</value>
   full path to a local file
   key name including group prefix if any
   <value>new value to be set</value>
   <value>number of keys received</value>
<type>system/widget (optional)</type>
<level>critical/medium/low/default (optional)</level>
   ...queue size? ETA? (TBD)...


The NeTV TCP/UDP API provides a mechanism to interact with NeTV through socket interface.
For UDP messages, the client can either choose to use either broadcast or unicast. However, the reply from NeTV is always unicast.

  • TCP socket port 8081 (Flash AS3 socket <-> NeTV)
  • UDP Socket port 8082 (Android/iOS client <-> NeTV)

All commands are identical to HTTP API, except the cmd and data variables are now wrapped in the XML as well

Example messages to be transmitted to NeTV over UDP:
No parameter


One parameter


Many parameters
