Controlling BTplay

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BTPlay is an external music player that is used by the chumby Control Panel to play audio files and streams asynchronously. It is implemented as a persistent daemon that is controlled by a UNIX pipe, typically from the Flash Lite Player, or through some stub applications.

Several ASnative() calls have been added to the Flash Lite implementation to control this daemon.


_PlayAudio = ASnative(5,151);


_StopAudio = ASnative(5,134);


_PauseAudio = ASnative(5,132);


_ResumeAudio = ASnative(5,133);


_PlayerState = ASnative(5,131);
playerState = _PlayerState();

returns -1 if player daemon not running, 0 if paused, 2 if playing a track


_SongAttributes = ASnative(5,135);
attrs = _SongAttributes();

returns XML of the information about the currently playing track, typically MP3 tags and other metadata