Chumby tricks

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Revision as of 21:13, 28 August 2006 by (Talk)

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Finding your Chumby

Browsing bonjour services from the command line

I downloaded the Bonjour Browser (under OSX) and run it.

[Screen shot of bonjour browser]

You can see the Chumby listed here in the Bonjour Browser, along with the IP Address.

HTTPD/Built in Web Server

The Chumby advertises itself via Bonjour, Apple's system for advertising services.

You can use the Bonjour bookmark that supposedly exists in Safari, but I am unable to find that. So used the tools under Finding Your Chumby to get an IP address to use.

Use the IP address you got from above, for example:

There are limited options on the web server right now, but you get a pretty picture and you can see wireless stats.

[Screen shot of output of Chumby's built in web server] The web page in the chumby as of 2006-08-28


The Chumby comes with sshd, but it is not running by default (can you imagine chumby's running all over, usually behind NAT, but sometimes exposed, with sshd enabled and a default password? It would be chaos I say as people rooted my alarm clock! Enough fear mongering!)

You need to run sshd. This should work-names and paths _might_ be slightly off, so please fix this if you get better information.

1. Pull out the USB wireless dongle

2. connect a USB hub

3. connect your USB Wireless to one port of the hub

4. Create a file called chumbydebug on a USB thumb drive (you can't format the drive with the Mac HFS (?) file system.)

The file should contain this line: /bin/sshd

5. Connect the USB drive

6. Power up the Chumby

7. ssh to the IP address found in the bonjour browser (see above under HTTPD) File:Example.jpg

I don't know the default username, or default password...

8. To See if sshd is running, from a terminal window: dns-sd -B _ssh._tcp

These instructions are untested. Please update them as appropriate.

Chumby via Serial

There is a serial port somewhere. Getting to it involves a special cable and 'shims' and getting voltages right-if you attach a straight serial cable you will, apparantly, blow it up.

I believe you need a RS-32 to TTL voltage converter to use the serial port. Google it.

There is also a USB port