NeTV local compilation

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Revision as of 04:03, 3 October 2011 by Bunnie (Talk | contribs)

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This documentation is verified at version 12 firmware.

NeTV includes the abilities to download packages that are pre-compiled from the chumby release servers.

To do local development, you will use this facility to install gcc.

Preparing the device

First, connect to the network using the NeTV UI. Once you are connected to the network, ssh into the device.

Then, execute this series of commands:

 mount -o remount,rw /
 mkdir /tmp/roroot
 mount / /tmp/roroot -o bind 
 mkdir /tmp/unionroot
 mkdir /media/storage/newroot
 mount -w -t unionfs -o dirs=/media/storage/newroot=rw:/tmp/roroot=ro unionfs /tmp/unionroot 
 mount /var/volatile /tmp/unionroot/var/volatile -o bind
 chroot /tmp/unionroot /bin/bash
 mount -a
 mkdir /dev/pts
 mkdir /dev/shm
 mount devpts /dev/pts -t devpts
 mount tmpfs /dev/shm -t tmpfs -o rw,mode=777
 opkg update
 opkg install task-sdk-native
 opkg install libgcc-dev

This process will download all of the files, headers, and executables required to do C development.

Once this process is done, you can now use gcc:

gcc -o hello hello.c
Hello, world!

The total space consumed by the toolchain is currently around 380 MB.