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This is an example How-To for creating a "Hello World" widget to run on your Chumby.

The intent is to show a start to end process for getting your own program to run on your Chumby.

Currently being authored by Kayakpete


  • FlashDevelop Installed on your computer
  • A Chumby, with SSH enabled
  • A Thumbdrive

Create a New Project

Create a new Project in FlashDevelop:

  • Start FlashDevelop.
  • Click Project -> New Project
  • Select ActionScript 2 - Default Project.
  • Give this project a name "Hello World", and check the "create directory for project" check box.

This will give you a Project pane on the right side, with a classes and library folder.

Write your program

  • Open the Main.as file, located in the classes folder, on in the right pane.
  • Write the Hello world program as follows:

class Main
	public static function main():Void
		_root.t.text = "Hello, world!";     

Test your program in FlashDevelop

Click on Project->Test Movie (or F5)

A new page will open with your Hello World program running. Note the "Hello World.swf" tab. You have just created your first swf file!

Move your program to your Chumby

  • Copy the Hello World.swf file from your project directory to your flash drive, root directory
  • Plug your thumb drive into your chumby
  • Open a SSH session to your chumby
  • Confirm your program is visible:
chumby:~# ls /mnt/usb
Hello World.swf

Test your program on your Chumby

  • Stop the current Chumby flash player
chumby:~# stop_control_panel
*** stoping services
*** stopping control panel
*** killing registered flashplayer pid: 2237
  • Run your program
chumby:~# chumbyflashplayer.x -i /mnt/usb/Hello\ World.swf
Adobe FlashLite 3.0.2 Release (Version 8,1,52,0)- Chumby Industries (version 6 build 45-396 [GCC 4.1.2   Microcross GNU  X-Tools(tm)])
Features:  Video ALSA
Build time: Tue 30Oct2007 1658

  • Confirm your program is running on your chumby!
  • Use ctrl-C to exit the player.
  • Restart your Chumby to restore to normal operations

Congratulations, you have successfully run your own Chumby Widget.

Alternative Testing on your Chumby

You may find using the profile.xml file easier than the above method.

See: Chumby_tricks#Mixing_local_widgets_into_a_channel