Chumby tricks

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NOTE - this page is for Ironforge production chumby devices - for alpha prototypes, please see Chumby Tricks for Foo/Katamari

Hidden screen in Control Panel

  • Open the Control Panel, select "Settings", then "Chumby Info"
  • In the upper right, you'll see a little "pi" symbol - touch it
  • You'll a screen with some interesting buttons:
    • SSHD will launch the builtin Secure Shell Daemon
    • FILES will open up a simple file system browser
    • REBOOT will reboot the chumby device

Open a secure shell console on the chumby

  • Start sshd using the hidden Control Panel screen
  • Using an SSH client, log in:
    • For Microsoft Windows, you can use PuTTY.
    • For MacOS X and Linux, use the command ssh from a terminal window
  • Use the IP listed on the hidden screen, with the username "root". It will not require a password.
  • You should get a big ASCII chumby logo

Built in Web server

On startup, the chumby launches a small HTTP server on port 80, whish displays wireless statistics information - to view this page, get the IP of the chumby from the Settings->Chumby Info screen in the Control Panel, and type http://ip.of.the.chumby/ into a browser.

You can add CGI scripts to this webserver:

  • Open a console on the chumby using SSH
  • create a directory at /psp/cgi-bin
  • add your CGI scripts there

You can now access those scripts using the URL http://ip.of.the.chumby/cgi-bin/custom/name_of_your_script

Custom Alarms

If you don't like the sound of the builtin alarms, you can override them with your own MP3 audio files

  • Get a USB flash drive, and copy your MP3 file to the top level
  • To override alarm 1, rename the file alarm1.mp3
  • To override alarm 2, rename the file alarm2.mp3
  • ...or to override both, rename the file alarm.mp3 - the individual files will override this one.
  • Plug the USB flash drive and boot your chumby - when an alarm goes off, it will use your files instead of the built in sounds

Don't make these files too big - no larger than a couple of megabytes.

Your own opening animation

If you'd like to replace the little chumby animation that happens when you start up, do the following:

  • Make your Flash animation that you want to run, be sure it calls fscommand("quit") at the end
  • Put it on a USB flash drive, and call it "opening.swf"
  • Plug it into the back of your chumby and reboot!

Your own Control Panel

So, you're so ambitious, you created you *own* Control Panel! Congratulations! Here's how to use it:

  • Put it on USB flash drive, and call it controlpanel.swf
  • Plug it into the back of your chumby and reboot!

Launching sshd at startup

  • Open up a console on the chumby
  • At the console, type: touch /psp/start_sshd
  • Now sshd will be started whenever the chumby successfully connects to a network!
  • To stop this behavior in the future, type: rm /psp/start_sshd

If you don't want to happen all the time, you can do this instead from a USB flash drive:

  • On the USB flash drive, create an empty file called start_sshd.
  • Plug it into the back of your chumby and reboot!

Make your chumby click when you touch the screen

You can have the chumby give you some simple audio feedback when you touch the screen

  • Open up a console on the chumby
  • Type echo 1 > /proc/chumby/touchscreen/touchclick
  • To turn it off, type echo 0 > /proc/chumby/touchscreen/touchclick