Chumby tricks

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NOTE - this page is for Ironforge production chumby devices - for alpha prototypes, please see Chumby Tricks for Foo/Katamari

Hidden screen in Control Panel

  • Open the Control Panel, select "Settings", then "Chumby Info"
  • In the upper right, you'll see a little "pi" symbol - touch it
  • You'll a screen with some interesting buttons:
    • SSHD will launch the builtin Secure Shell Daemon
    • FILES will open up a simple file system browser
    • REBOOT will reboot the chumby device

Built in Web server

On startup, the chumby launches a small HTTP server on port 80, whish displays wireless statistics information - to view this page, get the IP of the chumby from the Settings->Chumby Info screen in the Control Panel, and type http://ip.of.the.chumby/ into a browser.

You can add CGI scripts to this webserver:

  • Open a console on the chumby using SSH
  • create a directory at '/psp/cgi-bin'
  • add your CGI scripts there

You can now access those scripts using the URL http://ip.of.the.chumby/cgi-bin/custom/name_of_your_script

Custom Alarms

If you don't like the sound of the builtin alarms, you can override them with your own MP3 audio files

  • Get a USB flash drive, and copy your MP3 file to the top level
  • To override alarm 1, rename the file alarm1.mp3
  • To override alarm 2, rename the file alarm2.mp3
  • ...or to override both, rename the file alarm.mp3
  • Plug the USB flash drive and boot your chumby - when the alarm goes o, it will use your files instead of the built in sounds

Don't make these files too big - no larger than a couple of megabytes.

Your own opening animation

If you'd like to replace the little chumby animation that happens when you start up, do the following:

  • Make your Flash animation that you want to run, be sure it calls fscommand("quit") at the end
  • Put it on a USB flash drive, and call it "opening.swf"
  • Plug it into the back of your chumby and reboot!

Your own Control Panel

So, you're so ambitious, you created you *own* Control Panel! Congratulations! Here's how to use it:

  • Put it on USB flash drive, and call it controlpanel.swf
  • Plug it into the back of your chumby and reboot!

Launching sshd at startup

  • Start up sshd on the chumby using the trick mentioned above
  • At the console, type: touch /psp/start_sshd
  • Now sshd will be started whenever the chumby successfully connects to a network!
  • To stop this behavior in the future, type: rm /psp/start_sshd

If you don't want to happen all the time, you can do this instead from a USB flash drive:

  • On the USB flash drive, create an empty file called start_sshd.
  • Plug it into the back of your chumby and reboot!