Chumby Service Settings in /psp

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Contains an integer value denoting the volume of the alarms. Valid values are 0 to 100.


File format:

<alarm name="" backupDelay="" backup="" action_param="" action="" auto_dismiss="" param_description="" param="" arg="" type="" duration="" snooze="" enabled="" time="" when="" />
<alarm name="" backupDelay="" backup="" action_param="" action="" auto_dismiss="" param_description="" param="" arg="" type="" duration="" snooze="" enabled="" time="" when="" />
<alarm name="" backupDelay="" backup="" action_param="" action="" auto_dismiss="" param_description="" param="" arg="" type="" duration="" snooze="" enabled="" time="" when="" />

Parameter values:

Parameters can appear in any order.

  • name - Alarm name
  • enabled - Is the alarm active or inactive? Valid values are "0" (inactive) and "1" (active)
  • action
  • action_param
  • auto_dismiss
  • param_description
  • param
  • arg
  • type
  • duration
  • snooze
  • time
  • when - Valid values are "Once", "Daily", "Weekends", "Weekdays", "Sundays", "Mondays", "Tuesdays", "Wednesdays", "Thursdays", "Fridays", "Saturdays"
  • backup - Is a backup alarm active or inactive? Valid values are "0" (inactive) and "1" (active)
  • backupDelay










Contains a copy of the timezone file specified in /psp/timezone


Contains an integer value denoting the sound output mute status. Valid values are 0 (mute disabled) and 1 (mute enabled).


Contains XML for the currently selected network configuration.


Contains XML for the list of network configurations.


<configurations><configuration username="" nameserver2="" nameserver1="" gateway="" netmask="" ip="" allocation="" key="" encoding="" encryption="" auth="" hwaddr="" ssid="" type="" /></configurations>

username= unknown

allocation= Either Static or DHCP

nameserver2= Contains IP address of the secondary DNS server. Blank if DHCP used

nameserver1= Contains IP address of the primary DNS server. Blank if DHCP used

gateway= Contains IP address of gateway. Blank if DHCP used

netmask= Contains netmask. Blank if DHCP used

ip= IP address for static IP address otherwise blank

key= Security key for WPA etc

encoding= ascii or hex

encryption= NONE, AES or ???

auth= WPA2PSK or NONE for LAN or ????

hwaddr= contains the MAC address of the wireless access point or blank for LAN

ssid= ethernet or the SSID of the WLAN access point

type= lan or wlan

The following characters must be correctly escaped otherwise they won't be accepted (in the Chumby One - the Chumby Classic does not seem to mind)

Character Escape Code

" &quot;

' &apos;

< &lt;

> &gt;

& &amp;



Contains the last search string used in the search box for the SHOUTcast music source in the Control Panel.



Contains the timezone selected in the Control Panel, typically a path to a timezone file relative to /usr/share/zoneinfo


Contains the city and country of the time zone selected in the Control Panel, separated by tab and terminated by a linefeed.


Contains four or five numbers separated by commas. The first four are the calibration settings, and are values in touch screen units (not pixels).

The first is the X coordinate of the left screen edge, the second is the offset to that value to reach the right screen edge. The third is the Y coordinate of the top screen edge, the second is the offset to reach the bottom screen edge. Note that this last value is negative.

To convert from touch screen values to screen pixels, the formulae are:

  • pixel_x = 320 * (touch_x - ts_settings[0]) / ts_settings[1]
  • pixel_y = 240 * (touch_y - ts_settings[2]) / ts_settings[3]

The use of the fifth number is not yet clear.





Contains the value of the volume slider, in the range 0 through 100