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btplay.current is a CGI script that will print out the contents of as XML to make it easier for widgets to grab. In layman's terms, you can get the information about the currently playing music selection from btplay for use in your widgets.


  1. Copy and paste this script into /psp/cgi-bin/btplay.current on your chumby
  2. change its permission to be executable by typing : chmod +x /psp/cgi-bin/btplay.current
  3. use the URL to get the XML.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Prints datum as XML given the tag name and tabstop level.
sub print_datum {
    my $tabstop = shift;
    my $tag = shift;
    my $datum = shift;

    print "\t" x $tabstop, "<", $tag, ">", $datum, "</", $tag, ">\n"; 

# prints a complex data structure as XML, where keys of hashes are 
# entity names and leaf nodes are data
sub print_data
    my $tabstop = shift;
    my $tag = shift;
    my $data = shift;

    if ( ref($data) eq "SCALAR" ) {
        print_datum( $tabstop, $tag, $$data );
    } elsif ( ref($data) eq "ARRAY" ) {
        for my $datum ( @{$data} ) {
            print_datum( $tabstop, $tag, $datum );
    } elsif ( ref($data) eq "HASH" ) {
        print "\t" x $tabstop, "<", $tag, ">\n";
        for my $key ( reverse keys %{$data} ) {
            print_data( $tabstop+1, $key, $data->{$key} );
        print "\t" x $tabstop, "</", $tag, ">\n"; 
    } else {
        print_datum( $tabstop, $tag, $data );

#  Build up a hash of hashes:
#  name1/name2=data1 turns into
#  name1/name2=data2
#     turns into
#  $hash{name1}{name2} = [ data1, data2 ];
#  This version allows any number of names on a line
sub build_data {
    my $filename = shift;
    my $hash = shift;

    open FILE, $filename or die "Cannot open $filename: $!";
    while(<FILE>) {
        my ( $names, $data ) = split /=/;
        my @names = split/\//, $names;

        my $current_hash = $hash;
        my $last = pop( @names );
        foreach my $name ( @names ) {
            if ( !exists $current_hash->{ $name } )  {
                $current_hash->{ $name } = {};
            $current_hash = $current_hash->{ $name };
        push @{$current_hash->{ $last }}, $data;
    close FILE;
my %hash;
my $filename = "/var/run/";

print "Content-type: text/xml\n\n";
print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n";
build_data($filename, \%hash);
print_data(0 , "song", \%hash);
