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Project Description

This is a sample Flickr Photo Viewer widget. Source files are included to enable you to build this widget using FlashDevelop, the free Flash development environment.

The widget searches Flickr for photos with a certain tag-word, and scrolls them across the screen. As photos are displayed, you can press and drag them to go to the next or previous photo in the "photostrip". Note that this is not the best place for a beginner to start learning how to create widgets! Some Actionscript background is needed to follow this example. Several of Chumby's photo viewing widgets are based on the same source code.


Edit the FlickrViewer.as script, and enter your own Flickr API Key where the comment near the top indicates. You can get your own Flickr API key from here: http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html

Then, Simply open FlickrViewer.fdp in FlashDevelop, and build the project.


The complete source code can be downloaded from here: FlickrSample_fd.zip.

No .FLA file is needed if you're using FlashDevelop. However, if you already own Adobe's Flash IDE and would prefer to use it instead, you can:

  • create a blank 320*240 .FLA in the directory to you extracted FlickrViewer.as and the com folder
  • set the background to black and the fps to 24
  • set the publish settings to Flash 8 / AS2
  • place the following single line of code on the first frame:


Run it on your chumby

Once FlickrViewer.swf is built, you can create a 80*60 thumbnail image and upload it as your own widget. Further instructions for testing locally are outlined in FlashDevelop/Example or see Chumby_tricks#Mixing_local_widgets_into_a_channel